
Summary of avatar the last airbender book 2
Summary of avatar the last airbender book 2

Zuko might have saved their lives this day, but it doesn't come anywhere close to making up for the lost lives and pain the war has caused them. And the family Zuko just saved? Likely lost their firstborn son to the war, and their father to follow.

  • The worst part is when you realize why the villagers turn on him so fast while they seem initially ungrateful, you then remember that these thugs are only here because the men of the village were off to the war, the war Zuko's own family started.
  • Even if he tries to hide it, Zuko can't get away from his darker side.
  • It's a small thing, but when he uses his firebending to defeat the earthbending thug, the music playing is reminiscent of the Fire Nation army's theme, often played to indicate danger.
  • Poor Zuko looks shocked, and even Azula looks sad and stands with respect. Then Ursa has to tell her kids that their cousin has been killed. that quiet sorrow for a soldier lost in battle is heart breaking. When Zuko has a flashback to when his mother got the news and we see the look on Ursa's face.
  • The scene with the death of Zuko's cousin, Lu Ten.
  • No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are. Everything I've done, I've done to protect you. Ursa: Zuko, please, my love, listen to me. The glance that Aang, Sokka, and Katara trade with each other just sells it. And it's made more tearjerking if you realize that this confrontation is the only time in the entire episode that either of Toph's parents have even spoken to her directly. As the creators themselves put it, despite Toph's arrogance and toughness, it's kind of sad how she just grew up so lonely.
  • Toph's confrontation with her parents at the end of her debut episode.
  • summary of avatar the last airbender book 2

    Zuko parts ways with Iroh, after Iroh shows disappointment in him for stealing.He also off-handily mentions that's it's not surprising he saw Yue because he thinks about her all the time.

    summary of avatar the last airbender book 2 summary of avatar the last airbender book 2

    Even if Yue was a hallucination, it's pretty clear that Sokka blames himself for letting Yue die. Before he had a chance to counter her statement, she disappeared and you can tell that Sokka is very crestfallen. To make it worse, "Yue" claims that he didn't protect her. Even though he believes that the swamp isn't magical, he was wondering if he really was seeing Yue.

    Summary of avatar the last airbender book 2